Photography: Haziness Abounds

It’s been an incredibly busy week with my daughter graduating from 8th grade. Between crying, looking through old photos, and running from one event to the next, photography has been far from my mind. I’ve been feeling blurry, scattered, and overcome with many emotions.

Although I wish I’d taken photos of all the events, I really couldn’t. I needed to see and feel it all without hiding behind the lens, to be fully present with the community we are leaving after 13 years. I did manage a few photos around the house this week, and I’ve been given permission to share some of the senior photos I took of my nephew a few weeks ago. He graduates at the end of this week and I’m going to have a lot more chances to cry. He was the tiniest baby I’ve ever seen and he’s grown into a handsome, funny, and amazing young man.

I hope you enjoy my photography offerings this week.


45 thoughts on “Photography: Haziness Abounds

  1. Congratulations to you and your daughter on her graduation . What a wonderful accomplishment . Great pictures. So nice that your nephew plays guitar. They grow so fast. My youngest graduates 8th grade this week as well, time flies. Enjoy.💕

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Aww, I love those blue flowers and your nephew’s pics. The boy must be loving music too i guess. Happy to know that he’s going to graduate. And glad about your daughter’s graduation too. My heartfelt congratulations to them. Many more tears of joy for you to shed indeed. And you’re right, sometimes it’s really good to be in the middle of such beautiful occurrences and have the first-hand feeling. Amazing for sure! 🌺 ❤❤🌺

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  3. ” I needed to see and feel it all without hiding behind the lens” I feel the same way.

    Congratulations on your daughter’s graduation from 8th grade. It’s a milestone!

    All pictures are amazing, Bridgette!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I am so glad that you chose to spend that time with your daughter. That time is precious and you will never get it back. Your image growth is outstanding. I will say that the picture of your nephew and his guitar could use a little more finesse. Make sure that when you’re shooting you expose for his skin rather than for the environment. As a redhead myself it is easy to make us look ghostly in photographs if you don’t properly expose our skin and once you blow out the highlights… you loose details (like skin texture) that cannot be brought back into the image through editing. ❤️ practice makes perfect! Try it on an egg to get it right 💪

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for the thoughtful feedback! My daughter is a redhead too and you are right about the exposure being tricky. I bought a light deflector but my nephew is super sensitive to light, so we couldn’t use it. I had to shoot in shadows or he would be squinting. He normally wears a hat at all times. It was my first time doing this kind of shoot, but hopefully not my last. I’ll keep practicing and trying. Thank you.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I love all the images; the hydrangeas are gorgeous. Weren’t you fortunate to get your nephew’s permission!? They are great pics you’ll all be so pleased to have as the years go by. And they do ‘go by’, with greater and greater speed, it seems.
    Happy crying!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Morning! You have beautiful images. I don’t have a store for selling images and don’t really know where to send you for setting that up. Perhaps look around at professional artist websites and see what they are using as a store. I’m very much an amateur photographer. I wish you the best of luck in setting that up.


      • Evening Bridgette.Thanks much for the feedback🙏🏽,I will continue searching online,I haven’t been lucky much in selling my work online coz I’m not sure who to approach but I’m currently showcasing my work at Local Art Galleries here in South Africa for exhibitions and all ,I just want to expand my network more.Thanks again🙏🏽Your work is beautiful

        Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Lauren. I’m starting to be able to move past the grief I was feeling at leaving our school home of 13 years. By the end of summer I should be able to fully wrap my mind around having a freshman and a senior next year.

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  6. Changes can be difficult. So many times I wish I’d captured photos of loved ones but nothing to do with being fully present in my case unfortunately. Sadly, I will never recover those times. Hope things feel a little more settled in the coming days.

    Love your 100 day photo project. Great way to improve skills.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Wendy! Yes, it’s sad to think of memories we might not be able to hold onto…things that seem to fade with time. Both my kids started school last week (freshman and senior in high school) and I want to go back and do it all over again. I know the days were hard, but it was all so worth it.

      I’ve finished the 100 day project, but I’ve continued to push myself and post photos each Monday.


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