Photography: Pink Moon

The power of the pink moon wakes me. Stumbling out of bed, I wander barefoot through half-lit rooms looking through distorted glass while my eyes attempt to adjust. What if I let them stay blurry? What if I simply see what’s there? Maybe beauty does exist in the imperfections. The flowers tell me so. I follow the sounds to the beach and surrender.

“Oh moon, I have begun
to envy you
your terrifying
โ€”Henry Virgin











The fourth full moon of the year arrived on my birthday while on vacation at Dillion Beach. The moon proved elusive and all my photos turned out distorted. I had no choice but to embrace the imperfections and play with them.

Let me know if you have a favorite. These photos were taken with an Olympus OM-D and edited with ON1 Photo RAW.

29 thoughts on “Photography: Pink Moon

    • It was an interesting night to try and photograph. Each full moon this year has included clouds. I wonder if that will change at some point? I imagine the summer moons will be very different.


  1. Happy, happy birthday, Bridgette, for whatever day it occured. I love all your photos, and as always, it’s not easy to choose one, so I have chosen two favourites. I like #7 with the pink flower – I love how shadows fall on and between its petals in the semi-dark. And I just love #10 at the edge of the water. I love the way the moonliight shines on the beach and the track along the righthand edge of the photo looks inviting. I would like to follow it and see where it takes me. Sending love and hugs to you and your family, dear Bridgette. Love Ellie Xxx ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•

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    • Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, Ellie! I got you email but haven’t had a moment to respond yet. I will soon! I always appreciate your thoughtful reasons for liking my photos. Your comments are always like a warm hug when they arrive. I appreciate YOU so very much!

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are so welcome, dear Bridgette. Thank you for being so understanding and patient when I can’t keep up. You really are so kind. It was a delight to have time to read your post today. Your photos are like a light in my somewhat difficult life right now. Thank you for that. I appreciate you always, too. Much love and many hugs to you, dearest friend. Xxx ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’›

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      • Aww! You’ve made my day again, Ellie. Thank you for your understanding too. Life can sure get busy and complicated, but love is really the thread we all can count on to keep us together.

        Liked by 1 person

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