poetry: knock, knock

Let’s pretend you are a door and I slam you hard. You rock in your frame briefly and wonder why I’m so mad. You don’t say anything though, because you are a door. I wash you with a soft pink cloth the next day until you shine. I tell you I love you and I’ll slam you again. You forgive me because you are a door.

Let’s pretend I’m a door and you always walk through me. I try to look nice but my wood is splintering and my handle is loose. You don’t notice though, because I’m a door. It’s not until you get a splinter from my wood you see me. You tell everyone to look at how broken I am. I say nothing because I’m a door.

Let’s pretend two doors meet each other in a long hallway. Just a couple of doors out for a walk. “You look broken,” the polished door says. “You do too,” the broken door says. They lean against each other saying nothing else, because they are doors.

66 thoughts on “poetry: knock, knock

  1. Says the rabbit-with-a-watch, “no time, no time”, and scuttles off beneath a bush, but drops a note that says, “this is beautiful.” This is. And I’ll be back later, but don’t know I can anything to what you’ve already well written here. I feel… encouraged.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Me, the rabbit again! Photo is a wonderful mate to your writing by the way.

    This works as both story and poem. Interwoven. OK, OK, I’m jealous too. I have some kinship with language, but to weave words into stories like you do, that’s just not something I can do. Your labor seems effortless to me, your text is very natural and at ease with itself so it communicates easily.

    “Let’s pretend you are a door and I slam you hard.” You had me completely with that first line alone. So so much for a mere eleven words. Visceral. I felt that line. I love this so much because, I’m a door.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the kind words. I’m glad you found this poem visceral and you understand the feeling behind it. I appreciate your thoughtfulness more than I can say.


  3. I love the contrast between the doors, yet both are broken and find support from each other and comradery despite their differences. Wonderfully written, Bridgette! 💞💞💞

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  4. Plenty of deeper human parallels you’ve explored, from the needling insults and passive acceptance of verbal abuse to the bland cold shoulder until one injures the other. Very powerful ending verses on healing and companionship!

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  5. What a terrific analogy. I loved that you ended it on a beautiful note. Abusive people tend to slam doors and then blame them for being broken. But there’s healing when you find someone who just gets you because they know pain too. This is very powerful.

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