52 Photo Challenge: Week 6-Framing

“It’s funny how the beauty of art has so much more to do with the frame than the artwork itself.” -Chuck Palahniuk, Choke

This week my assignment for the 52-week photo challenge was to capture something using framing. I visited High-Hand Nursery and although it provided me with lots of beautiful shots, I struggled with symmetry and straight lines. Ultimately, my shots fell short. I wonder if I’m trying too hard. It felt easier to take photos when I wasn’t searching for a specific type of shot. Am I overthinking or is this part of the learning process?

My daughter is taking a photography class and my mother recently got a camera, so both joined me at the nursery. It was fun to walk around together taking photos and it was even more fun to see how different all our shots are.

Let me know which shot you think best uses the concept of framing. I’ve added numbers to the photos this week so it’s easier to comment. I’ve also included a few extra photos from the day. Can you guess which photo is my favorite? Have a wonderful week!











  • Photos were taken with an Olympus OM-D and edited with ON1 Photo RAW
  • If you want to join the 52 Photo Challenge, you can find all the information at nicolesy.com

52 Photo Challenge
Week 1: Bokeh
Week 2: Silhouette
Week 3: Black and White
Week 4: Motion Blur
Week 5: Texture

86 thoughts on “52 Photo Challenge: Week 6-Framing

  1. #2 is a really nice example of framing. It draws the viewer in. #4 is a terrific image and is more about a frame than the act of framing, I think. The others that appeal to me most are #5 & #7 – well, I love leaves! Wandering around a nursery with your daughter & mother sounds like heaven. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gorgeous photos, Brigitte! My definition, perhaps different than your instructor’s, is having one or more elements that delineate (frame) the actual subject of the photo. To me framing inherently works off of depth-of-field. My go-to is to use branches in the near- or mid-distance to frame the subject which is further away. I like how your top photo of the greenhouse frames with that edge of wall at the outside of the photo. What if you had pulled back just a bit? By seeing more wall, we would get a slightly stronger presence from it. The wall then would be saying more clearly, “hey look through this window here!” If there was something small but interesting on that wall, so much the better. Whaddaya think?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. 1’s greyscale works really well with the varying lines & depth that draws the eye. 🙂
    The contrast in 5 was beautifully chosen – eggshell blue sky vs rouge-brown twigs and pale green fernlike leaves.
    9 was a great frame too – that burst of vivid colour nestled in the spruce-like fronds.
    Lovely choices of composition! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Bet you’re not overthinking it- challenges are great because they get real specific. And, then I think maybe we just start looking at things with a more creative eye. Like, instead of taking a ton of shots trying to get however many good ones, our eye start getting trained to look for whatever it is we are seeking. Details-focus-descriptions. My guess is that your favs are: 4,8, and 9. Me? I’m drooling over- 6 through 10!!!! No picking one for me!!! They’re gorgeous!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. These are wonderful! Nice job! Framing in particular is hard to think about because we are surrounded by intentional frames — windows, doors, images, signs, and much else. Learning to see the unintentional frames takes time, but you definitely already have an eye (or two) for it. Do you have the grid lines on your camera turned on? The grid has four lines with nine blocks in projected either into your viewfinder or on the touchscreen on the back. Again, nice work!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I do have the grids turned on. I think my struggle this week was perhaps being too stuck on finding images like the examples we were given. I became a bit too narrow focused and didn’t play enough we depth.


    • Thanks for your kind words! #8 is one on my favorites too. I have a dozen prisms hanging in my windows at home. I love the rainbows they cast. Great guess on my favorite, but it’s #7. I’ve been trying to get the light and dark balance for a long time and was thrilled I finally did it.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m so thrilled that your daughter and mom went with you to take photographs, Bridgette. What a lovely thing to do together. My favourite shot for framing is number 5 because I love the bright, bright green of the leaves against the brilliant blue sky and the clean lines of the brown branches. I also like the photo of the crystal – it’s almost identical to the one I’ve got hanging by my back door in the kitchen. When the sun shines in the morning, it throws beautiful images of rainbows all around the room. Finally, I think my favourite of all is number 10 – I’m not sure what plant this is, but to me, it resembles a very pale green colour version of the vegetable kale. I’m probably miles out with this guess, but in my eyes, it’s so clear. Sending you and your daughter much love. Xx 🌿💕🌞

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    • I’ve got several crystals hanging in my windows too! I love the rainbows. ❤️ I’m not sure what #10 is either, but you are probably right. There was a purple version too.

      Thanks for you love! ❤️❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      • #10 definitely looks like kale and you can get a purple kale, too. It’s also very good for you to eat as a vegetable as it’s full of iron, vitamin C and even a small amount of calcium (surprisingly). Hope you have a lovely day, whatever you’re doing. Much love Xx 💛💖💛

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