Photography: May Day

“As full of spirit as the month of May, and as gorgeous as the sun in Midsummer.”
—William Shakespeare

Today we celebrated May Day by watching a group of 8th grade students dance around in the pouring rain. It was a lovely morning and a wonderful reminder of beauty and connection. I hope you enjoy these photos and let me know if you have a favorite.













  • These photos were taken with an Olympus OM-D and edited with ON1 Photo RAW.

poetry: kissed

once I was sunkissed
now, not kissed at all
not here in this place
where the winter moon
wakes me
singing tomorrows
through mist
through falling leaves
through frost paintings
no, not like that
raven songs, not doves
bits of string
touch my fingertips
my lips
icy secrets whispered
deep into blanket forts
no, not sunkissed
not kissed at all
still warm