52 Photo Challenge: Week 8-Negative Space

“I sometimes think of people’s personalities as the negative space around their insecurities.” -Lindy West 

This week my assignment for the 52-week photo challenge was to capture something with negative space (also known as “copy space” in the commercial-photography industry). It’s a more minimalist style photo and allows space for advertising text to be added.

My first attempt was at our local Green Acres Nursery, but the plants were too close together and I couldn’t get enough space to create the effect I wanted. The last two photos below are the only ones I kept from that shoot. They don’t quite work for negative space, but I really liked how they turned out.

My second attempt was this morning in the rain. I drove around to the farms near my house and I captured these moody photos. I know #8 doesn’t work, but I wanted to include it anyway. Let me know which shot you think best uses the concept of negative space and which is your favorite. Thanks for supporting me!








#9 (This one is dedicated to Cori)


  • Photos were taken with an Olympus OM-D and edited with ON1 Photo RAW
  • If you want to join the 52 Photo Challenge, you can find all the information at nicolesy.com

52 Photo Challenge
Week 1: Bokeh
Week 2: Silhouette
Week 3: Black and White
Week 4: Motion Blur
Week 5: Texture
Week 6: Framing
Week 7: Leading Lines

66 thoughts on “52 Photo Challenge: Week 8-Negative Space

  1. we have apple blossoms like these in Aldinga and I sure photographed them; the others are stunning: the forlorn bull, and #5, that stark, minimalist tree; there are a number of photographic blogs I follow; yours is always interesting, maybe because you experiment —

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s my favorite too, Greg. As I understand negative space, it’s simply allowing for a lot of space around an object (so it can breathe or maybe stand out). It’s used a lot in advertising, although I can’t imagine what these gloomy images would be selling. 🤣

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    • Thanks, Cindy! Aren’t those birds so interesting? I pulled over to see exactly what was on the roof and was surprised it was so many birds. I should have included a close-up shot too, but I’m glad you can tell what they are.


  2. 1, 2 and 4 have really powerful foreground-background contrasts, and 5 and 6 have some good variety that draws the eye to different places. 🙂 The colours in 8 really stand out well, so good on you for including it! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These are all wonderful shots, Bridgette. From the negative space photos, I love #2 – (beautiful blossom against a stark white expanse of sky). But my favourite one of all is #6 (a rooftop – I think – against the white sky – I love the sharp lines of this one. Are they birds on the top?) Finally, I couldn’t resist #9 (the stunning little hummingbird – what a perfect shot). You are so talented with both words and photography; you are a joy to follow and to know, my friend. Xx 😘💞

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Ellie! I’m so glad you liked my photos. I always look forward to your thoughtful and kind comments. Those are birds on the roof! I should have included a zoomed in version. I couldn’t believe how many there were. I suppose they were all huddled against the rain, but it seems they could have found a place with a bit more shelter. I’m glad you liked the hummingbird too. I was so excited to capture him. Have a wonderful day!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Busy person you are. Confess I’ve a fondness for black & white photography, like yours right here. All is good. But especially that first of a tree standing alone in a field with broken grass. Yes. (I understand, but when I look I don’t see negative at all. I am filled.)

    Actually, a short poem came into that picture for me. With your kind permission, my honor to include that picture with that poem on my own poem blog. Of course credit & link given to yours too. Appreciation always counts, as well, your visits to my website too. Let me know. my thanks, neil

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